
Who are Mr.Speakeasy and Bee?

We are two concerned citizens living in a dress-down town, just north of the American Dream. This world is in a dismal state where society has become more in tuned with comfort than style. The Saturday streets are laden with sweatpants and crocs. What this world needs is an education, a lesson in couture. So slip out of your track suits and into a three-piece suit. Settle down and listen up. 

Who are these two fashion vigilantes, you may ask? Let me introduce ourselves, I am Bee and my partner in crime, battling against low riding pants, is Mr.Speakeasy. Although our sense of styles venture on opposite sides of the spectrum, we both agree on the fact that 90% of styles these days, well frankly they suck. 

Mr.Speakeasy believes that there is no such thing as "Over-dressed", but there is certainly under-dressed. Rarely does he leave his abode without a vest, hat and tie. His favorite color is green and his entire wardrobe is second-hand. His taste in fashion dates from the mid fifties backwards through to the beginning of the Victorian era.

Bee rarely leaves her room without a pair of tights on. She loves voluminous skirts and floral dresses. She thinks at least and inch heel are a must on all shoes. Her style dates from the 1950's onwards until the end of the Universe. Her favorite color is turquoise and she loves bows. 

Our mission begins now and will end when message is sufficiently spread. 

Mr.Speakeasy and Bee


  1. Great blog. Do you have any advice for middle-aged women?

  2. I threw up a post about middle aged fashions for you :)

  3. I love your sense of style! Can't wait to read your next post. Keep it up.

    D Clarry
